Mind Over Matter Read online

Page 2

  She jerked her hand away. Seething, she reached into her pocket and pulled out all the change she owed him. Blinking back sudden tears, she tossed the money at him.

  “I’m not for sale!”

  Bryan watched her spin on her heel and walk away. He was torn between frustration and desire. She was even prettier when she was angry, and his body throbbed in appreciation. But her words and the tears told him that he’d misjudged her, but good.

  He leaned back in his chair, feeling like a heel. He wasn’t used to doing that. With his talent, he usually had a pretty good feel for people. Then he remembered the electricity that flowed between them. Had that caused his talent to go haywire? Either way, he owed her an apology.

  Unfortunately, it wasn’t one he was destined to make. Anna refused to come near him again. He had to get his drinks from the bar. He called to her several times, but she feigned deafness and ignored him.

  By the time ‘last call’ was being shouted, Bryan had gone past feeling guilty and back to irritated. In his mind, he’d wasted a night. Not only hadn’t he found the mystery killer the tipster promised, he’d spent the whole night trying to apologize to a waitress with a chip on her shoulder.

  Cursing Anna under his breath, he headed for the bathroom. After taking care of the necessities, he headed back out to the front to pay his bar tab and head out.

  He felt it as he passed by the storage room. A heavy leakage of psychic energy. His heartbeat picked up, and using his power, he slowly scanned the area. There were huge levels of leftover talent permeating this corridor. But was it a customer, or was the tipster on the up and up?

  Bryan suddenly thought of the force that had flowed between him and the waitress, Anna. That had never happened before. Could it have something to do with this buildup he felt? Maybe she was the source of this Psy energy?

  After a few more minutes of fruitless searching, he knew there was nothing more to be found. But there was something here all right. Now he just had to figure out how to find it. As he walked back to his seat, an idea formed.

  * * * *

  Shanna groaned tiredly as she stripped off her high heels and tossed them in her locker. Slipping her sandals on, she undid her hair, sighing at the feeling of freedom it gave her. It had been a long night and the altercation with Blue Eyes hadn’t helped any. He’d tried several times to talk to her, but she’d ignored him, surprised each time by the memory of how much his opinion of her hurt.

  She carefully counted her tips. Not her best night, but at least now she’d have enough to pay the hotel bill for another week. As long as she had a roof over her head, she didn’t feel so bad.

  Tucking the money in her bra, she turned off the light and left the back room. She waved good bye to Samuel, the bartender, and Mickey, the bouncer turned barback, and headed out into the night.

  It was a muggy July night. She could hear the male cicadas as they sang for their mates, and it was such a lonely sound. Shanna found herself tearing up again. Some days were just harder than others. She reached in her pocket for a tissue, sniffing loudly.

  “Want to borrow mine?”

  Chapter Two

  Shanna froze and stared into the darkness of the street. Her fingers clutched at the can of mace in her pocket. Only in a dire emergency would she use her powers to protect herself.

  “I’m sorry,” came a man’s deep voice. He stepped from the shadows, and she relaxed instinctively when she recognized him. “I didn’t mean to scare you.

  She stared at the man who’d been on her mind all evening. He looked down on her from his considerable height and offered her a clean hanky. Shanna thought absently that it looked like a white flag of truce.

  “What are you doing out here?” She was proud that her voice didn’t quaver.

  “Waiting for you.”

  Shanna swallowed the knot of fear that appeared in her throat. She took a step backwards. “I told you. I’m not interested!”

  Bryan frowned when he saw her distress. He hadn’t meant to really frighten her. He realized that at six foot, four, he towered over her. He probably did look pretty intimidating.

  “Hey,” he said soothingly as he backed up a step. He tucked the handkerchief back in his pants. “I’m not here for that. I swear. I just wanted to apologize.”

  Shanna took a second step back. “It’s okay. I’d just prefer to be left alone.”

  He frowned. “You shouldn’t walk the streets alone. Don’t you know it’s dangerous?”

  She gaped at him for a minute then scowled. “I can take care of myself.” She touched the small can in her pocket. “I have mace here.”

  Bryan lifted a brow. “Mace, huh? Do you know how to use it?”

  “I do and I have. Especially against strangers who won’t take no for an answer!”

  He put up his hands. “Easy, now. My name is Bryan Campbell.” He grinned persuasively. “Now we’re not strangers.”

  She rolled her eyes and fought not to smile. He did have a way about him. “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Campbell, but I have to get going.” She took a step around him and continued down the street.

  Shanna wasn’t surprised when he caught up and matched her stride. “I still want to apologize.” He looked abashed. “In my line of work I tend to meet the wrong sort of people. I guess it’s rubbed off on me.”

  She slanted him a glance from under her eyelashes. “What kind of work do you do, that makes you so rude?”

  He flinched. “Ouch. Direct hit.” He pushed his hands into his jeans pocket. “I’m in ... was in security.”


  During the time he’d waited, he’d come up with a good cover story. “Used to work for the fucking government. They said I was too easy on people when I caught them borrowing pens or taking home a stapler. You know, stuff like that. So they fired me. Couldn’t even get my pension.”

  Shanna’s face was full of pity. “That’s tough.”

  He shrugged. “So I was out drinking. Trying to think what to do.” He kicked at a rock in the sidewalk. “I need a job.”

  Then he looked over at her and carefully put his hand on her arm. The same electricity flowed through them, but he gritted his teeth and ignored it. If only his cock would do the same. He cleared his throat. “But that doesn’t give me the right to act like an asshole. I’m really sorry.”

  She didn’t speak for a minute, and he wasn’t sure he’d gotten through or not. Then she sighed and gave a little shrug. “I should be used to it. I don’t know why it hit me so hard with you.”

  The thought of another man coming on to her in the same way pissed Bryan off. He barely held back hot words. “You shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like that,” he growled. “Just because you’re gorgeous doesn’t mean you’re for sale.”

  She stopped dead at the backhanded compliment. “Thanks.”

  Bryan relaxed a little. He’d made some progress. “I mean it, babe. Don’t they look out for you there?”

  She laughed, and his whole body broke out in a sweat. He cursed under his breath. She could arouse him just by breathing.

  “I am as safe as a baby when I’m at the club. If I’d wanted to, I could have had you thrown out on your ear!”

  He cocked his head and studied her. “Why didn’t you?”

  She shrugged. “You weren’t dangerous, just rude.”

  “Am I forgiven, then?”

  Shanna smiled. “It’s okay. Just forget it.”

  He relaxed even further. “Great! I didn’t want to go to sleep tonight without knowing we were okay.”

  She frowned and brushed her hair back giving him an unfettered look at her profile. “I guess I don’t understand why it’s so important to you.”

  Recognition stirred, but just as swiftly disappeared as he watched her. “I guess I’d still like to know you better.”

  He watched as she drew herself inwards. “I’m not interested in a relationship.”

  Bryan’s eyes narrowed. She was pretty quick with
her answer. Either she’d been burned before, or she was hiding something. He played it light.

  “No problem. I was just asking.”

  She relaxed and they walked in silence for a while. Then he broke it with a clearing of the throat. “I don’t suppose you know if they’re hiring at the club?”

  She blinked. “I don’t know. I know we lost a barback last week. He hasn’t been replaced.”

  “Maybe I’ll check into it.”

  Shanna felt warmth steal into her cheeks at the thought of him working with her. Knowing how he made her feel, she wasn’t sure if it was a good idea or not.

  * * * *

  Two weeks later, Bryan had had enough of the Pink Pussycat and being a barback. He growled as he lifted another case of beer and set it into the cooler. Maybe working in a nicer place it would be great, but in this hellhole it was no wonder the last barback had up and walked out. There were only two reasons that he was still here.

  He still hadn’t identified that psychic signature he’d felt the first night. It came and went, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t get a handle on it. He’d spent many hours trying to find a lead, but even though the talent was there, he couldn’t pinpoint who it belonged to. It was as if it was masked in some way. For a tracker with a skill such as his, it was hugely frustrating

  But the main reason he was still here was Anna. Working the case gave him a reason to be closer to her. And for some reason getting to know her had become very important to him.

  He’d been hired the next day after their walk, and he taken time to talk to her each night they worked together. He always smiled to see the faint color touch her cheeks when she saw him walk in the door.

  They’d gotten in the habit of walking home together. Since by a strange coincidence, Bryan had a room in a hotel near hers, it just made sense. They spent the time learning more about each other. The more he got to know Anna, the more he realized how he’d misjudged her. She was funny and smart, and even though she carried a chip on her shoulder, she always took care not to hurt anyone. Even the regulars had good things to say about her.

  She was so opposite of what he had expected that he’d given up thinking she was the one who left the energy. She just didn’t have that aptitude for deceit.

  Now as he filled the cooler, he watched her deal with a customer who seemed to want her more than a drink. Several times she’d skillfully avoided the drunk’s hands, but the letch had figured out her strategy. When she twisted away from him again, he outmaneuvered her and pulled her into his lap.

  Shanna gave a little scream as the man grabbed at her breasts. This was all she needed. She was tired, hungry, and hot, and didn’t need some drunk feeling her up on top of it.

  She opened her mouth to call for help, but suddenly she was snatched out of the drunk’s lap. Strong arms held her securely and then placed her carefully on her feet. Her eyes widened when she saw it was Bryan who had rescued her.

  “Are you all right?” he asked gruffly. At her nod, he turned with the speed of a rattlesnake and grabbed the drunk up by the necktie.

  The fat little man sputtered and clawed at his neck, but Bryan didn’t let go. He put his face very close to the other man’s. “You owe the lady an apology.”

  His face turning an odd sort of blue, the patron gasped out a wheezy, “I’m sorry.” Without another word, Bryan carried him out the door. Everyone could hear the thud that the customer made when he hit the ground.

  Bryan walked back in, brushing off his hands, looking remarkably cheerful. He glanced around the room as if to say, “Anyone else?” Then he made his way to Shanna.

  He put his finger under her chin and tipped it up so their eyes could meet. “Are you all right?” he asked.

  Shanna nodded mutely. It had been so long since anyone had gone out of the way for her that she felt a little weepy.

  Without really thinking, she rose up on her toes and pressed a gentle kiss on his hard mouth. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Then she sped into the back to repair her tousled hair and wonder at her tingling lips.

  Bryan stood where she’d left him. His own lips felt like an electric cattle prod had touched him. His entire body throbbed with arousal just from a single kiss. He’d never felt that way about anyone before.

  Later, as they walked home in silence, he wondered just what secrets the woman next to him hid. Without thinking he reached over and took her by the hand. She stiffened for a moment, but then relaxed and curled her fingers around his.

  “Are you sure he didn’t hurt you?”

  Shanna laughed softly. “You’ve asked me that five times already. I’m fine, Bryan.”

  He felt his neck turn red. “Yeah, sorry.”

  She squeezed his fingers. “It’s okay. It’s sweet really. I haven’t had anyone worry about me in a long time.”

  He glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. “Are all the men blind in Charleston?”

  She blushed. “I told you I don’t do relationships.”

  He shook his head mournfully. “Now I feel sorry for all the poor bastards who took a look at you and thought they had a chance.”

  Shanna jerked her hand from his. “I don’t play games, Bryan. I’ve always been honest about it.”

  “Hey!” He grabbed her hand again. “I didn’t mean anything. I’m glad you aren’t in a relationship.” His blue eyes met hers, and he waggled his eyebrows at her as she blushed. “But what about your family? Don’t they look after you?”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. “I don’t have anyone. My family is all dead to me.”

  He thought that an odd way to say it, but he put his arm around her shoulders companionably. “I’m sorry, baby. I can’t imagine not having my folks around.”

  She sniffled a little. “You and your parents are close?”

  “I move around a lot, but I try to see them several times a year.”

  Shanna frowned. “I thought you were in security locally? Why would you have to move around?”

  Bryan swore inwardly. For the first time in his career he’d forgotten his cover story. This woman wasn’t only beautiful but dangerous.

  “I’d ... just started with the security detail. Before then I was a salesmen.”

  She opened her mouth and then shut it, obviously struggling with the idea of him as a door-to-door salesman.

  They’d reached the door to her hotel, and she turned and smiled up at him. “Thanks for walking me.”

  He gave her hand a squeeze. “My pleasure, babe.”

  “Do you work tomorrow?”

  “Yeah.” He turned and faced her. “You?”

  She nodded. “Six to two.”

  Bryan looked at her, seeing her glowing amber eyes in the moonlight. Of its own volition, his hand reached out and cupped the back of her head, drawing her inexorably closer to him. His whole body tightened with the need to feel her lips beneath his.

  Shanna was frozen by the heat she saw in his eyes. She thought to herself that no man had ever looked at her quite like that before. Then his lips descended on hers and she didn’t think at all.

  Chapter Three

  His lips brushed gently over hers once, and then with a growl deep in his throat he covered her mouth with his in a deep, hungry kiss.

  At her moan, he drew her even closer, tucking her into the crook of his arm as he devoured her. When the electric shock roared through him, Bryan wasn’t surprised. He was always zapped when he touched her. He wondered what it would feel like when he was finally inside of her. The thought made his cock go as hard as a rock.

  No part of her mouth went unexplored. He tickled and tasted, his tongue dancing with hers when she shyly began to return the kiss. His hands smoothed gently down her back, feeling the silky smoothness of her warm flesh.

  All thoughts but of her drained out of his mind. His job, the rogue Psy--nothing mattered but making love to the woman in his arms.

  Shanna began to shake. Her lips felt like they were on fire. He kissed like
he acted, hard, with no pretense. His tongue speared between her lips, and he pulled her close to him as he explored the recesses of her mouth.

  Her aching feet and tired body forgot their pains as she melted into him in response. Never before had she felt what she was feeling now. The taste of his mouth, the feel of his hard body against hers, his touch made her whole body tingle with a pleasure that was almost painful. If he could do this with a simple kiss, what would making love feel like?

  The thought made her stiffen. What was she doing? This wasn’t to be. She tore her mouth away from his and tried to pull away.

  “No, baby,” Bryan groaned. He loved the taste and feel of her and he wasn’t ready to let her go yet.

  But when she struggled in his arms, the haze of lust finally lifted and he dropped his arms away. She touched her mouth with a shaking hand as she stared wide eyed at him. Then without a word, she turned and ran into her hotel, leaving Bryan with an aching hard-on and more questions than ever.

  * * * *

  When she didn’t show up to work the next day, he worried. Had he scared her off? She was a strange mixture of sex and utter innocence. If he didn’t know better, he would have sworn that that had been her first real kiss.

  But of course that was impossible. No woman who looked like that would be untouched.

  He spent a miserable night. He worked until two and then went straight to Anna’s. Bryan was furious when she didn’t answer her door. Was she out with someone else? She’d run from him, but she’d give herself to another? He swore aloud, waking several of her neighbors in the process, before stomping home.

  He slept little, his dreams filled with Anna in another man’s arms. By the time he saw her at work the next day, his control over his temper was nonexistent.

  When Shanna looked up and saw him storming towards her, her first thought was how gorgeous he looked, all ruffled and furious. But it quickly died away when she realized that the anger in his eyes was for her. She took a step back instinctively.